SPRINGBOARD II: A Personal Place to Be
▶ Friday April 16 Mixed Doubles, Set and Match
Maria Mavridou and Erik Van de Vijdeven perform Couples Therapy
The result of a long-term collaboration between brilliant improvisers produces a work of spontaneously generated complications, tensions and co-mingling which is the inevitable territory of couples’ therapy. This spoken movement piece challenges performers and audiences alike to explore the dynamics of relationship in an engaging and always surprising manner.

Jonathan Nagel and Anna Heuer-Hansen performs Eventually
The duo of double bassist and composer Jonathan Nagel and dancer Anna Heuer-Hansen performing within a light creation developed by Ellen Knops is further enhanced by the spatial installation of speakers in the room. The musical composition is built from a repetition of simple motives and chords, spanning the arc from intimate chamber music sounds to giant amplified sonic landscapes. “eventually” deals with the perception of time: The term ‘eventually’ implies time invested toward an eventual goal. When you arrive ‘eventually’, it may not have been easy getting there, but the process has been all important. At the same time, ‘eventually’ contains the word ‘event’, which both underlines the aspect of the live experience as well as the extraordinary fact that the dancer has reached the second trimester of pregnancy which brings a powerful poignancy to this project, incorporating one of life’s more remarkable and recurrent springboards…

▶ Springboard Salon Pi: The Circumference of the Circle
Friday April 23 Salon Pi, 18:00 – 02:00 Then Again, Klub Kring and Some Rites of Spring:
FAR (The Fabulists’ Ardent Renditions) performs Then Again: Not So Much A Program, More a Way of Life, Zalan Szacas performs Kring, Contraband and Company performs Hidden Rites of Spring (impromptu performances by The Walkback, The Relapse and Ambulant). This eight hour event presents a live and online salon evening in which three aspects meet head on: short sketches presented in connection with the upcoming online series Then Again, the misty environment of Zalan Hzacas’s work Kring and the free play of spontaneous performances within this environment provided by Contraband in Company which is founded on the idea of simultaneous but contrary activities in a given environment. Performers include Natalya Golofastova, Julia Kiryanova, Zalan Hzacas, Lee Ellickson, Ira Preston, Pharrel Redman, Vera Rustin, Carl Gadge, Reynolds Parse, and Arnold Varney.

Saturday April 24 This Springing to Life, 19:30
Robbert Van Hulzen performs Lockdown Litanies
Robbert Van Hulzen offers a collection of tunes using only sounds contributed by (people like) you during the first lock down, and sampled and processed and combined and mangled and arranged by RVH along with beats with pots and pans, birds in their gardens, singing voices, instruments, garage doors, tripping dogs, and so much more.
The Supernumeraries Contemplating (The Weather) perform Rhythmanalysis 0:1
Iza Pacewicz Wysocka considers life’s ultimate springboard: her own pregnancy at the end of the second trimester. She is joined by Manuela Lucia Tessi and Thalia Laric to reflect on and embody the shifting rhythms of everyday life and the sudden changing cycles that come with transformations. This work initiates a series that is informed by the work of proto Situationist Henri Lefevebre, as is the following work on the program.
The Ensemble Todo Modo performs Mode d’Emploi Exemplar: Deconstructions of Everyday Life
Dirk Bruinsma, Robbert Van Hulzen, Christian Smith and Alan Purves draw familiar domestic elements, old habits and common household pieces of their lives to present a concert that attempts to, as the title suggst, desconstruct commonalities of everyday life into a sonic derive that intends to surprise and reorient our complacency particualrly in this time of pandemic and lockdown when our domestic worlds have become prisons for many of us.
Zalan Szakacs performs Kring
Kring invites the audience into a subliminal intervention within the Kunstkapel environment. As a tribute to the Kunstkapel’s role as a springboard for so many projects over the last decade, Kring enacts the space. Through intangible gestures such as ambient sounds, a circling light beam, and circular walking paths by the audience, the ritual continues beyond material realities. As such, the memory of the space lives on in and amidst our bodies.

Sunday April 25, Points of Departure: What Was Once a Lift Off Might Now Be A Jump to Conclusion, 21:00
The Relapse performs Recurrence 3:1 with the collaboration of The Supernumeraries
Andreas Tegnander, Max Van der Wal and Lee Ellickson perform an unveiling of inscrutable phenomena drawn from the hidden recesses of the Lunstkapel space itself. The work absorbs hidden archives of images and sounds that unlock concealed temporal spatial tricks of reality… The work advances both through implicate and explicate orders… on the one hand suggesting a Chinese puzzle box of spaces within spaces while laterally overlapping multiple timeframes…
The Shadow Seminary School perform Apopthegmata
This is the first part of the five-part project called The Edifice Built Thru Conducting Bodies which is an investigation into certain origins related to the Kunstkapel’s original life as a seminary rehearsal space in a Catholic school. This work is suggested by the sayings of the Desert Fathers which are considered formative to the foundation of the Catholic Church. This project charts the creation and spread of the Shadows and the Blood of the church which apparently spawned from a white desert space. The Archesonic technique of Mark Bain, with which he plays the building itself to powerful effect, is a crucial aspect of all Shadow Seminary School performances. The Ensemble includes Maria Mavridou, Manuela Lucia Tessi, Thalia Laric, Ferdinand Doumic, Jonathan Nagel, Simone Gosling, Tamira van Wijngaarden and Vladimir Grafov.

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AudioVisualSpatial interdisciplinary performances in a 360 degree round immersive space live and online
The Warp presented its seasonal program of AudioVisualSpatial works in the Kunstkapel with Springboard. Springboard is defined as a beginning from which an enterprise is launched and this can remind us that The Warp perpetually begins again with every new assembly of projects while; suggesting not only the “jumping off point” of inspiration artists and performers are taking from the Kunstkapel location but also from the altered realities with which we live and the current Coronavirus restrictions. A series of programs combining several projects were presented live in the location and online following current requirements in the period from April 1 to April 25.
Springboard is divided into two sections:
April 1 to April 9: The Place In Itself: These are Springboard experiments with the Place: a series of projects originally initiated at the Kunstkapel previously are resuscitated to contemplate the space through a series of tests and experiments pointed toward future developments that include the recreation of the space as an augmented reality.
April 14-25: A Personal Place to Be: These are Springboard experiments with the Personal: commencing with the Final performance of the Springboard workshop of the Borderline Proxy, a series of projects are developed and presented that explore more personal creative relationships with the location with broader implications of creativity that continues beyond the breeding space. It is perhaps not even an irony that two of these projects are concentrated on actual pregnancy.