With Alan Purves, Dirk Bruinsma, Robbert van Hulzen, Yank Bicakci, Bjork Nielsdottir Christian Smith, Maria Mavridou, Izabella Pacewicz Wsocka, Anthony Murrel and Annabel Howland
Entrance free
Het Glazen Huis, Amstelpark
Sunday 15 December, 17:00 – 19:00, 2019
16 December, 2019 – 2 February, 2020
More performances
Sunday 12 January, 15:00 – 18:00
Sunday 2 February, 17:00 – 19:00
Each year, Zone2Source invites The Warp, known for their unique multi-media performances at the nearby Kunstkapel, for our winter programme. During these dark days, Het Glazen Huis is the perfect setting for The Warp’s light artworks.
We’d like to invite you to the opening performance night at 17:00 on Sunday December 19th. This evening of performances in celebration of the Saturnalian Festival of Lights is based on the equation of light and glass. For this event, The Warp has produced and curated a set of specific works to explore the mysteries of glass, light, optics, reflectiveness and the unique spaces of altarity which it conjures. The installation and décor is a result of the performance of The Glass Chain Correspondence by the October Collective.
The night includes works from various artists. The Ensemble Todo Modo (Alan Purves, Dirk Bruinsma, Robbert van Hulzen and Christian Smith) will perform a set of Glassolallias, music made entirely by instruments of glass. Members of The Shark Infested Custard (featuring Yank Bicakci and Bjork Nielsdottir) will perform The Gem Stone Operations, very miniature operas based on outlandish conspiracy theories. The Supernumeraries (Maria Mavridou and Izabella Pacewicz Wsocka) will create a movement piece based on reflection from Thru the Glass Darkly and The Afterwords Searchparty (featuring Anthony Murrel and Annabel Howland) will contribute an audio visual experience The Precise Cut of the Sutra.
As always for these events, we welcome you with gluhwein and soup to start the advent of winter.
The performance night leads up to a light installation, which is on view daily from outdoors in the following weeks. We are expecting stages of a performance series in January and a closing event in February. Recommended viewing time is after 16:00 during sunset.
Photo’s on this page/fotografie: Mattis Cuypers (https://www.mattiscuypers.net/)